File #: 25-42    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Planning Resolution Status: Passed
File created: 2/19/2025 In control: Planning Commission
On agenda: 3/12/2025 Final action: 3/12/2025
Title: Receive a Report, Hold a Public Hearing, and Consider Approval of a Coastal Development Permit (CDP 8-24), Design Review (DR 11-24), Use Permit (UP 9-24), and Sign Permit (SP 20-24) for a proposed eighty-seven unit, three story multi-family project at 1151 S. Main St. (APN 018-440-58).Statutorily exempt from CEQA pursuant to section 15332 - Class 32 In-Fill Development Projects and 15192 - Infill Housing Development.
Attachments: 1. Staff Report- Fort Bragg Apartments 3-12-2025, 2. Att 1 PC Resolution Fort Bragg Apartments, 3. Att 2 - Inclusionary Housing Incentives Staff Report 11-12-2024, 4. Att 3 - Site Photos, 5. Att 4 - Site Plan, 6. Att 5 - Project Elevations and Floor PLans, 7. Att 6 - Project Colors and Materials, 8. Att 7 - Accessory Buildings and Fencing, 9. Att 9 - Lighting Plan, 10. Att 10 - Firesafety, 11. Att 11 - Civil Plans, 12. Att 12 - Agency Letters, 13. Att 13 - NOPH- Fort Bragg Apartments, 14. MEMO to PC regarding Parking for 1151 S Main Street, 15. Public Comment 25-42, 16. 1151 South Main Street - PC Meeting Powerpoint


Receive a Report, Hold a Public Hearing, and Consider Approval of a Coastal Development Permit (CDP 8-24), Design Review (DR 11-24), Use Permit (UP 9-24), and Sign Permit (SP 20-24) for a proposed eighty-seven unit, three story multi-family project at 1151 S. Main St. (APN 018-440-58).Statutorily exempt from CEQA pursuant to section 15332 - Class 32 In-Fill Development Projects and 15192 - Infill Housing Development.