Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/25/2024 6:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Town Hall, 363 N.Main Street and Via Video Conference
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Agenda Packet Agenda Packet
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
24-650 11A. Recognition/AnnouncementsPresentation from the Economic Development & Financing Corporation   Action details Not available
24-574 15A. OrdinanceAdopt by Title Only, and Waive Further Reading of, Ordinance No. 985-2024 "An Ordinance Amending Division 18 of the Fort Bragg Municipal Code (ILUDC 1023) to Amend Chapter 18.21.030(B), (C), & 18.21.050 "Zoning Districts and Allowable Land Uses", to Repeal and Replace 18.42.170 "Accessory Dwelling Units", to Amend Chapter 18.71.050 "Design Review" and to Amend Chapter 18.100 "Definitions" to Establish Regulations and Standards for Accessory Dwelling Units Pursuant to State Law; Statutory Exemption.adoptedPass Action details Not available
24-575 15B. OrdinanceAdopt, by Title Only, and Waive Further Reading of Ordinance 986-2024 Amending Division 18 of the Fort Bragg Municipal Code to Comply with Recent Changes in State of California Housing Law Related to Urban Lot Splits and Two Unit Development.adoptedPass Action details Not available
24-649 15C. Scope of WorkApprove Scope of Work for a Request for Proposals for Professional Services for a Fireworks ProviderapprovedPass Action details Not available
24-668 15F. ResolutionAdopt Joint City Council/Municipal Improvement District Resolution Amending the FY 2023/24 Budget for Mid-Year Budget AdjustmentsadoptedPass Action details Not available
24-660 15G. MinutesApprove Minutes of February 12, 2024approvedPass Action details Not available
24-658 15H. MinutesApprove Minutes of February 26, 2024approvedPass Action details Not available
24-641 15I. MinutesApprove Minutes of Special Closed Session of March 7, 2024approvedPass Action details Not available
24-655 15J. MinutesApprove Minutes of March 11, 2024approvedPass Action details Not available
24-642 15K. MinutesApprove Minutes of Special Closed Session of March 11, 2024approvedPass Action details Not available
24-659 15D. Scope of WorkApprove Scope of Work for a Request for Proposals Seeking Professional Services for Sea Level Rise, Tsunami Hazards, and Erosion Resilience Strategy for Noyo Harbor   Action details Not available
24-593 15E. Staff ReportReceive General Plan Annual Progress Report 2023 and Housing Element Annual Progress Report to HCD and provide comments prior to submittal to HCDapprovedPass Action details Not available
24-662 18A. Staff ReportReceive Report and Provide Direction Regarding 2022-2023 HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) Grant Application   Action details Not available
24-652 18B. ResolutionReceive presentation of recommended update to the City of Fort Bragg's Emergency Operations Plan and consider adopting Resolution xx-2024 - Resolution of the Fort Bragg City Council Approving Updated City of Fort Bragg Emergency Operations PlanadoptedPass Action details Not available
24-654 18C. ResolutionResolution of the Fort Bragg City Council Approving Contract Change Order with with Akeff Construction, Inc. for the Bainbridge Park Playground Replacement Project, City Project No. PWP-00096 and Authorizing City Manager to Execute Contract (Amount Not to Exceed $88,624.00)adoptedPass Action details Not available