Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 11/25/2024 6:00 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Town Hall, 363 N. Main Street and Via VIdeo Conference
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Agenda packet: Agenda Packet Agenda Packet
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
24-1037 15A. Staff ReportAdopt Resolution of the Fort Bragg City Council Approving First Amendment to Professional Services Agreement with Dudek for On-call, As-needed Expertise to Assist City with LCP 22-07 Grant Project, and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Contract (Amount Not To Exceed $180,000; Account 337-5080-0630)   Not available Not available
24-1052 15B. Consent CalendarFirst Amendment to the City Manager Employment Agreement   Not available Not available
24-1049 15C. Consent CalendarAdopt Resolution of the Fort Bragg City Council Approving a Contract Change Order with Redwood Roofers For The City Hall Roof Replacement Project, City Project No. PWP-00139 and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute (New Amount Not To Exceed $128,111.00, Account 427-4878-0731).   Not available Not available
24-1033 15D. Committee MinutesReceive and File Minutes of the Public Works and Facilities Committee Meeting for July 11, 2024   Not available Not available
24-1034 15E. Committee MinutesReceive and File Minutes of the Public Works and Facilities Committee Meeting for October 10, 2024   Not available Not available
24-1039 15F. Committee MinutesReceive and File Minutes of the Finance and Administration Committee Special Meeting Minutes September 12, 2024   Not available Not available
24-1042 15G. MinutesApprove Minutes of City Council-Special Closed Session of November 18, 2024   Not available Not available
24-1025 17A. Staff ReportReceive Report and Conduct Public Hearing for Disclosure of Accomplishments and Closeout of Activities Funded by Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) 20-CDBG-CV2-3-00235   Not available Not available
24-1026 17B. Staff ReportReceive Report and Conduct Public Hearing for Disclosure of Accomplishments and Closeout of Activities Funded by Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) 20-CDBG-12079   Not available Not available
24-1036 18A. Staff ReportReceive Report on City of Fort Bragg Municipal Broadband Utility Project and Provide Direction on: 1) Authorizing the City Manager to Finalize Terms for the Acquisition of Mendocino Community Network; and 2) Debt Financing Strategy   Not available Not available
24-1023 18B. ResolutionAdopt City Council Resolution Approving Professional Services Agreements with Schaaf & Wheeler to Provide 30% Conceptual Design Services for the Stormwater Trash Capture Device Project, PWP-00119 and Authorizing City Manager to Execute Contract (Amount Not to Exceed $56,135); Categorical Exemption 15301(c)   Not available Not available
24-1035 18C. Staff ReportAdopt of City Council Resolution Programming the Next Street Rehabilitation Project Locations and Committing Match Funding for Local Partnership Program Formulaic and Competitive Fund Applications   Not available Not available
24-1029 18D. ResolutionResolution of the Fort Bragg City Council Approving Professional Services Agreement With Hoch Consulting to Conduct a Recycled Water Feasibility Study and Authorizing City Manager to Execute Contract (Amount not to Exceed $499,132)   Not available Not available
24-1030 18E. ResolutionReceive Report and Consider Adoption of City Council Resolution Recommending and Consenting to an Extension of the Term in the Operating Agreement and Lease for the Caspar Transfer Station Between Mendocino County and Redwood Waste Solutions, Inc.   Not available Not available