Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/28/2022 6:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Via Video Conference
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Agenda Packet Agenda Packet
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
22-109 15A. Certificate of CompletionAccept Certificate of Completion for the Maple Street Storm Drain and Alley Rehabilitation Project, City Project No. PWP-00116, and Direct City Clerk to File Notice of CompletionacceptedPass Action details Not available
22-113 15B. Certificate of CompletionAccept Certificate of Completion for the C.V. Starr Center LED Lighting Project, City Project No. PWP-00114, and Direct City Clerk to File Notice of CompletionacceptedPass Action details Not available
22-108 15C. ReportReceive and Accept the City of Fort Bragg's General Plan Annual Progress Report (2021) and Housing Element Annual Progress Report (2021)acceptedPass Action details Not available
22-129 15D. ResolutionAdopt City Council Resolution Approving Contract with Cash Carpet Service, Inc. for the C.V. Starr Center Women's Locker Room Floor Rehabilitation Project and Authorizing City Manager to Execute Same (Amount Not To Exceed $31,926.00 Account 810-4812-0751)adoptedPass Action details Not available
22-143 15E. Scope of WorkApprove Scope of Work for Request for Proposals from Qualified Firms Who Offer Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Code Section 115 Trust ServicesapprovedPass Action details Not available
22-141 15F. ResolutionAdopt City Council Resolution Making the Legally Required Findings to Continue to Authorize the Conduct of Remote "Telephonic" Meetings During the State of EmergencyadoptedPass Action details Not available
22-142 15G. ResolutionAdopt City Council Resolution Confirming the Continued Existence of a Local Emergency in the City of Fort BraggadoptedPass Action details Not available
22-148 15H. Council LetterApprove City Council Letter to the Bureau of Land Management in Support of the Lost Coast Redwoods ProjectapprovedPass Action details Not available
22-150 15I. ResolutionAdopt City Council Resolution Approving Federal Earmark Fund Request to Establish Municipal Ocean Water Infrastructure to Support Aquariums, Research, and Aquaculture Blue Economy Innovation HubadoptedPass Action details Not available
22-131 15J. MinutesApprove Minutes of Special Meeting of March 9, 2022approvedPass Action details Not available
22-135 15K. MinutesApprove Minutes of March 14, 2022approvedPass Action details Not available
22-136 18A. ResolutionReceive Report and Consider Adoption of City Council Resolution Approving Budget Amendment No. 2022-20 to Appropriate Funds from the Transient Occupancy Tax Special Projects (Account No. 110-4390-0619), Funds from Asset Forfeiture Funds (Account No. 167-7999-0799), Funds from the State Department of Parks and Recreation Grant (Account No. 329-7999-0799), and Funds from Facilities- Internal Service Funds (Account No. 520-7999-0799) for the Implementation of Two Soccer Fields at Bainbridge ParkadoptedPass Action details Not available
22-137 28B. Staff ReportReceive Report and Provide Direction to Staff Regarding Funding for Replacement of Playground Equipment at Wiggly Giggly Playground in Bainbridge Parkreferred  Action details Not available
22-139 18C. Staff ReportReceive Report, Receive Finance and Administration Committee Recommendation, and Provide Direction to Staff Regarding Resumption of Water Shutoffsreferred to staff  Action details Not available
22-133 18D. OrdinanceReceive Report and Consider Introducing by Title Only and Waiving the First Reading of Ordinance 978-2022 Adding Chapter 6.09 (Organic Waste Disposal Reduction) to Title 6 (Health and Sanitation) of the Fort Bragg Municipal Code in Compliance with SB 1383introducedPass Action details Not available
22-144 18E. Staff ReportReceive Report and Planning Commission Resolution Recommending Adoption of Ordinance 979-2022 Amending Sections 18.22.30, 18.24.30, 18.42.055, 18.42.057, 18.42.059 and 18.100.020 of Title 18 (Inland Land Use and Development Code) of the Fort Bragg Municipal Code Relating to Cannabis Regulationsreferred to staff  Action details Not available
22-145 19A. ReportPUBLIC EMPLOYEE APPOINTMENT, Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957(b): Title: City Manager   Action details Not available
22-147 19B. ReportCONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION, Pursuant to Paragraph (1) of Subdivision (d) of Government Code Section 54956.9; Name of Case: City of Fort Bragg vs. Mendocino Railway and Does 1-10, Case No.: 21CV00850, Superior Court of the State of California, County of Mendocino   Action details Not available