Adopt a Resolution of the Fort Bragg Planning Commission Recommending that the City Council Submit a Local Coastal Plan Amendment Application to the Coastal Commission to Amend Division 17 to the Fort Bragg Municipal Code to Amend Chapter 17.21.030(B)(C) “Residential District Allowable Land Uses and Permit Requirements” & 17.21.050 "Residential District Site Planning and Building Standards", to Repeal and Replace 17.42.170 “Second Units” and to Amend Chapter 17.71.050 “Design Review” and Chapter 17.100 “Definitions” to Establish Regulations and Standards for Accessory Dwelling Units Pursuant to State Law. Adopt a Resolution of the Fort Bragg Planning Commission Recommending that the City Council Amend Division 18 to the Fort Bragg Municipal Code to Amend Chapter 18.21.030(B)(C) "Residential District Allowable Land Uses and Permit Requirements" & 18.21.050 “Residential District Site Planning and Building Standards”, to Repeal and Replace 18.42.170 “Second Units - Accessory Dwelling Uni...