Conduct Public Hearing and (1) Consider Adoption of a Resolution Approving the Mitigated Negative Declaration and the Mitigation and Monitoring and Reporting Plan; (2) Introduce, by Title Only, and Waive Further Reading of Ordinance XXX-2024 Amending Chapter 18.42.165 - Restaurants of Division 18 of the Fort Bragg Municipal Code to Establish Regulations and Standards for Outdoor Dining; and (3) Adopt a Resolution that the City Council Submit a Local Coastal Plan Amendment Application (LCP 3-23) to the Coastal Commission, to Amend Chapter 17.42.190 - Restaurants of Division 17 of the Fort Bragg Municipal Code to Establish Regulations and Standards for Outdoor Dining.
Code sections:
17.42.165 - Restaurants, 18.42.165 - Restaurants