File #: 25-56    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Staff Report Status: Business
File created: 3/2/2025 In control: Special City Council
On agenda: 3/11/2025 Final action: 3/11/2025
Title: Adopt a Resolution of the Fort Bragg City Council Awarding the Town Hall Retrofit & Bathroom Remodel Project, City Project No. PWP-00122, to Adams Commercial General Contracting, Inc. as the Lowest Responsible Bidder, Approving Budget Amendment 2024/25-09, Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Contract (Not To Exceed $793,205), and Finding the Project Exempt from CEQA under 14 CCR 15301
Indexes: Shared - General Fund
Attachments: 1. 03112025 Town Hall Construction Award, 2. Att 1 - RESO Awarding Town Hall Construction, 3. Att 2 - Exhibit A Bid Opening Results, 4. Att 3 - Exhibit B Budget Amendment 2024/25-09, 5. Att 4 - ACGC Construction Contract
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Adopt a Resolution of the Fort Bragg City Council Awarding the Town Hall Retrofit & Bathroom Remodel Project, City Project No. PWP-00122, to Adams Commercial General Contracting, Inc. as the Lowest Responsible Bidder, Approving Budget Amendment 2024/25-09, Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Contract (Not To Exceed $793,205), and Finding the Project Exempt from CEQA under 14 CCR 15301