Adopt City Council Resolution Establishing a Compensation Plan and Terms and Conditions of Employment for Non-Bargaining and Confidential Employees
The City's non-bargaining and confidential classifications compensation are non-exempt and are a part of the Personnel Merit System, and receive the benefits associated with the Fort Bragg Employee Organization (FBEO). The positions covered by the Resolution are: Administrative Coordinator - Police; Human Resources Technician; Technology Support Technician and the Water Projects Coordinator (Part-Time).
At this Council meeting, the City Council approved the 2014-2017 FBEO Memorandum of Understanding and authorized the City Manager to execute the agreement. This resolution makes changes in the non-exempt and confidential classifications consistent with the FBEO MOU. This action will replace Resolution No. 3469-2011.
The FY 2014-15 Budget includes the costs of the salary adjustments and CalPers adjustments but does not include the cost of the July 13, 2014 one-time payment of $3,882.
Changes governing compensation and benefits are as follows: